Saturday, November 24, 2007

First Step

Today I went to the sellers section of Ebay again. This time, with the intent on setting up my seller account and to see what I could actually sell there.

As it stands now, of the stuff that I have, it looks like the best stuff to start with are the countless number of health & beauty products that I've purchased since spring that I have not used. Some of it is stuff that I had intended to sell and others are things that I purchased a lot of due to sales. So I'm going to start with those items.

In the meantime, I'm researching other items to see how they sell, in general. I'd love to get rid of many of the books that I have collected over the years. Don't know who well they sell on Ebay.

My next step will be Craigslist. I haven't had much luck there...but while checking Save Karyn, I noticed that there's a segment of Craigslist where you can check to see what people want to buy. I'm gonna check that out.

A friend sent her stuff to auction when she moved west. I gotta get the name and number of the company she used.

Then there's always consignment shops.

It All Began

Usually one begins at the beginning. Well I can't begin to tell you when I incurred my first debt...I guess it was my Sear's card that I obtained in college.

I can tell you that today is the beginning...the first day towards freedom from least the first day of journalizing my steps towards freedom from debt.

For the past several months, I've been exhibiting signs of insanity: repeating the same things that don't work, over and over again. I keep telling myself I want to get out from under but I haven't done all that much to make that happen. So I chose today to do something new...something different: chronicle my process and progress on the World Wide Web for any and all to see so that I can hold myself accountable (and possibly be held accountable).

This morning, I watched a show on the A&E channel called "Big Spender". A man attempts to help a couple get out of their $200,000 debt. The husband was accustomed to paying all bills on time and keeping track of his budget, until he married his shopaholic wife. Through their many mishaps over time, they are now upside down in their house (1st, 2nd mortgages and home equity loans in a sluggish market), she's upside down on her car and they have all kinds of stuff, much of which she bought and much of which she doesn't use. The man put them on a serious budget, gave them tips on how to manage the money going out (frugal grocery shopping, shopping with a chaperone, etc.), and selling the stuff they don't use. The show made me go "hmmmmm...what if I do some of this stuff, maybe I'll get out from under."

From there, I went the Save Karyn (you know the young lady who created a website asking people to donate to reduce her financial debt) to see what she's been up to these days. For starters, she is the author of not just one but two books and she appears to be on the right track, although she is still into shopping. She did create pages of tips and stuff that could be useful to anyone who wants to get out of debt or make extra money. In the midst of all of that, I got an A-ha moment: she learned a lot of lessons on how to pay down her debt just by sharing herself with the world.

So my "cure" from my insanity is to do something different: create my own "I want to get out from under" blog...not to solicit donations but to chronicle the lessons I'm learning and, maybe, help to inspire others who want to do the same.

So here I am, putting myself out there for all to see. I'm generally a private person, so this is a big step. People say journals are really helpful when doing something new and something here I am. Something has to work.

Wish me luck...share some tips that have worked for you...tell me what you're dealing with...share!